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Complex Systems, 13 (2): 87-129, 2001
Gene Expression Programming: A New Adaptive Algorithm for Solving Problems
Evolving Cellular Automata Rules for the Density-classification Problem |
Cellular automata (CA) have been studied widely as they are idealized versions of massively parallel, decentralized computing systems capable of emergent behaviors. These complex behaviors result from the simultaneous execution of simple rules at multiple local sites. In the density-classification task, a simple rule involving a small neighborhood and operating simultaneously in all the cells of a one-dimensional cellular automaton, should be capable of making the CA converge into a state of all 1s if the initial configuration (IC) has a higher density of 1s, or into a state of all 0s if the IC has a higher density of 0s.
The ability of GAs to evolve CA rules for the density-classification problem was intensively investigated
[12-15], but the rules discovered by the GA performed poorly and were far from approaching the accuracy of the GKL rule, a human-written rule. GP was also used to evolve rules for the density-classification task
[16], and a rule was discovered that surpassed the GKL rule and other human-written rules.
This section shows how GEP is successfully applied to this difficult problem. The rules evolved by GEP have accuracy levels of 82.513% and 82.55%, thus exceeding all human-written rules and the rule evolved by GP.
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