Block Stacking Problem

  Block stacking

  In block stacking, the goal is to find a plan that takes any initial configuration of blocks randomly distributed between the stack and the table and place them in the stack in the correct order (Fig. 1).

Stack        Table
  usra         i e n l v
--->   Stack        Table
universal         -

Figure 1 One initial state for the block stacking problem. The objective is to find a program that will stack the blocks spelling the word "universal" from any initial state.


Table 1
Parameters for the block stacking problem
Function set C,R,N,=,A
Terminal set u,p,t
Number of fitness cases 10
Number of runs 100
Number of generations 100
Population size 30
Success rate 70%

Notes: C- move to stack, R- remove from stack, N- not, '='- equal, A- do until true u- current stack, t- top correct block, p- next needed block


Table 2
Comparison of GP and GEP on the sequence induction problem
  Exp Gen Pop Fit. cases Succ Rz Fz
GP O'Reilly and
51 500 167 0.767 4 17,034,000
GEP Table 1 100 30 10 0.77 4 120,000


In this case, GEP outperforms GP in 142 times (see How to evaluate the performance for details). It is worth noticing that GP uses 167 fitness cases, cleverly constructed to cover the various classes of possible initial states whereas GEP uses only 10 initial states, 9 of which randomly generated with 1 to 9 letters in the stack, and 1 empty stack (in fact, this empty stack is unnecessary for GEP to work efficiently: it only prevents failed runs).

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1. O'Reilly, U-M, and F. Oppacher (1996). A comparative analysis of GP. Chapter 2 of Advances in Genetic Programming 2, ed. P. J. Angeline and K. E. Kinnear, MIT Press.



Last update: 23/July/2013
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